EdgePay Developer Tools


N O T E:

ITEMS IN Bold are required.
All others are Conditional or Optional based on your use and need.

Here is the Full API List for the Payment Interface:

Field NameMax SizeAttributeNotes
merchantID 19NRequired - Unique ID assigned by EdgePay**
terminalID 19NRequired - Unique ID also assigned by EdgePay
sID 15NRequired for PayFac - Unique ID also assigned by EdgePay
cardNumber 19NConditional - Supply this if card entered manually
cardExpirationDate 4NConditional - Provide if cardNumber is used (MMYY)
trackData39ANConditional - Track1 or Track2 unencrypted Swipe or EMV
tokenID16NConditional - May supply in place of trackData or cardNumber from previous request
token3yesFor the Tokenization Services the API allows you to request a token,
(replacement value), for both credit cards or bank accounts that you can
store for future payment uses.
paymentDataInput 14ANRequired - Defines the point of sale card enter mode:
- Phone
- Mail
- Internet
- Swipe
amount 12NRequired - Total amount to charge with or without decimal. All minor units after decimal. No decimal amount is processed as major units (dollars, euros, etc.)
acctSplits ArraySettlement Split Account and amount that funds will be settled to
currencyCode3NOptional = Assumes USD unless otherwise specified
customerName30ANSConditional - Required for eCheck. Optional for all other transactions.
Allowable Special Characters & /. ( ) - , ''
customerNumber17ANConditional – Customer Order Number, see below for use. Required for Recurring Payment Customer
processor10ANFuture use
billingAddress200ANConditional - Not required but may improve interchange rate for phone, mail, internet, or manual entry.
Allowable Special Characters # . , ; : ''' °
billingCity50ANsame as billingAddress
Allowable Special Characters - , . ; ''' & / . ( )
billingState2Asame as billing Address
billingZip10ANRequired - same as billing Address "-" Allowed
cvv24NOptional - Security code from Card
merchantField1200ANOptional - Reporting
merchantField2200ANOptional - Reporting
posDataOptional description for eCheck
goodsOrServices10ANOptional Description
memberUsername60ANOptional - Recurring Payment Manager Customer
memberPassword60ANOptional - Recurring Payment Manager Customer
siteUrl100ANOptional - Recurring Payment Manager Customer
affiliate12ANSOptional - Recurring Payment Manager Customer
cardholderIPAddress39ANSOptional – Enhanced Fraud Management Service IPv6 supported
eMailAddress128ANSCustomer’s email address
softDescriptor25ANText that will appear on the cardholder's statement that describes the purchase.